

The Belonging Institute is designed for companies, organizations, and institutions pursuing Belongingness to enhance engagement, job performance, and productivity among their teams. Belongingness is an integral component of an inclusive environment; it focuses on three important factors – the psychology of Belonging, the behaviors associated with Belonging, and the impact of Belonging. Combined, they help us understand the thought processes, motivations, and actions that enhance or diminish Belonging, positioning organizations to reap the benefits of an engaged and productive workforce.


The Belonging Institute provides various opportunities for individuals, organizations, and companies interested in learning more about how to create a sense of Belonging for their workforce. The institute seeks to be a resource to both individuals and organizations seeking to cultivate a workplace where everyone can bring their authentic selves to work and contribute fully without fear of judgment, ridicule, or exclusion. The institute blends theory and practice over a half-day interactive curriculum, with the development of an action plan to effectively and sustainably create Belonging for greater business impact.


  • Discover the true meaning of Belonging
  • Identify the legislative, historical, and societal barriers to Belonging
  • Become aware of how these barriers impact the workplace
  • Discover how Belonging affects attitudes, actions, and performance
  • Recognize and mitigate our involvement in maintaining Belonging Barriers
  • Put in place other strategies to create Belonging in the workplace
  • Create a workplace environment where everyone feels as though they Belong

Belonging Institute

These trainings serve as an introduction to creating a culture of Belonging. Belongingness is the outcome of multiple diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Pursuing authentic Belongingness requires a keen understanding of what belonging is, what it involves, and its connection to other concepts such as inclusion.

Belonging 101 – Introduction to Belonging

Belonging is a complex term that has different meanings for different people. The interconnectedness of its social, emotional, and physical concepts can be difficult to identify. Yet, we know that shared emotions connect people to objects and places, and shared sentiments bring people together and foster greater satisfaction and well-being. This session introduces participants to belongingness and how belongingness serves as a long-term outcome that promotes and sustains inclusion.

In-Group/Out-Group Identities

In-group favoritism and out-group ostracization have profound effects on Belongingness. While each of us has intersectional identities, our identity narratives reflect who we believe we are and who we desire to be. These narratives also connect us to or separate us from others who do not align with our identities. There are emotional investments in belonging and being attached to particular places, spaces, objects, and social commonalities, and the identity we attribute to or desire for these. This session introduces participants to in-group/out-group identities and how to leverage these identities to foster Belongingness.

Belonging First™ & Psychological Safety

Belonging and the need to belong or be connected with others is recognized as a fundamental human need, drive, and desire akin to food and water. In the workplace, we see that one of the critical factors in Belonging is psychological safety. When people feel that they can participate, learn, and grow in an organization, they become psychologically safe, which leads to a strong feeling of Belongingness. This session introduces participants to the concept of psychological safety in the workplace and how it promotes Belongingness.

Creating a Culture of Belongingness

The power to create belonging rests with each of us. Those with social and political influence can employ that influence to create belonging for the less influential. Those who are less influential can use agency and cultivate belonging for themselves and their peers. This session introduces participants to the best practices for promoting Belongingness in the workplace.